Why remote support is more important than ever during COVID-19
With social restrictions looking likely to remain for the rest of the year, more businesses are turning to safer and more flexible methods of working including remote working and remote support.
The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies all across the globe to quickly find new ways of working that allow their business to continue running whilst protecting the safety of their employees and customers. As a result of this, many businesses have recently introduced remote working for the very first time with both employers and employees now discovering the advantages of this.
With reported benefits including increased productivity, performance, engagement, retention and profitability, it’s no wonder why tech giants such as Facebook, Apple and Twitter are now allowing employees to have the option to work from home permanently. In spite of this, when it comes to SME companies, many are facing huge challenges when it comes to dealing with problems such as network and technology issues.
Under normal circumstances, these companies would call upon the services of an IT professional who would be able to fix these problems on-site, however, due to the current social distancing measures in place, this option is no longer available. Fortunately, some specialist IT companies like Perrywell offer our clients remote support services which provide the ideal solution for network and technology issues during these unprecedented times.
Remote support enables businesses to gain on-demand support without the issue of social restrictions. Using specialist software, IT professionals are able to access and control your computer devices remotely to perform a wide range of activities from general maintenance updates to resolving more complex technical issues. At Perrywell IT services, it takes us on average 15 minutes to resolve issues remotely. By working remotely, we are able to reduce response times and resolve issues quicker. This efficiency allows companies to reduce costs and any disruption to the business.
As well as its evident financial and efficiency advantages, there are many other benefits that remote support offers to SMEs during the current climate.
Remote support can allow for social distancing
Remote support enables businesses to gain access to expertise without having someone on-site and the complications of social distancing and COVID-19.
Remote support means support can be offered for people working from home
With many businesses now working remotely, remote support allows the IT specialist to easily and speedily provide help to those working from home.
Remote support can help people in multiple locations
With support being provided remotely via computer access software, the IT specialist can help multiple people without the need for travel to and from multiple different places.
With remote support from Perrywell, our IT specialists are able to access your computer device remotely, identifying any issues that you are experiencing and resolving these quickly and easily whilst adhering to current social restrictions. If you’d like to find out more about our remote support services, please call our support team on 01789 774084.