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Superfast Broadband Boosts Business and Jobs
Among the findings of a recent government report about superfast broadband in the UK are claims that superfast broadband rollout so far has led to job creation and a £12.28 benefit for firms for every £1 invested by central and local authorities.

New Australian Law Gets The Thumbs-Down From Tech Firms
In Australia, a new draft Bill proposing ways for tech firms, software developers and others to assist security agencies and police has been given the thumbs-down by a major industry group over its ambiguity, and the potential security risks it could create.

Facebook Uses Scoring System To Manage Misinformation
It has been reported that Facebook allocates a trustworthiness score to some members to help it manage misinformation issues such as some members continually flagging / reporting stories as fake if they don’t agree with the content.

Superdrug Customers Informed of Hack
Superdrug is reported to have advised online customers to change their passwords after it was targeted by hackers who claim to have stolen the details of approximately 20,000 Superdrug customers.

Apple iPad Battery Gas Leak – Shop Evacuated
The leaking of vapours from a damaged iPad battery led to an Amsterdam shop being evacuated and 3 staff treated for breathing problems caused by the released gas.

Tech Tip – Quickly Edit File Metadata
If you want to be able to quickly edit the metadata of any files in Windows 10 (e.g. set when photos were taken), and add tags and categories to files, it can be done in 2 easy steps.

Rise in Online “Pay-To-Watch” Video Streaming Services
The latest Office for National Statistics’ annual Internet Access and Use report has revealed that there has been a big rise in the number of people using commercial video streaming services.

IBM Makes Test Version of New Stealth AI Malware ‘DeepLocker’
IBM has created its own stealth, ultra-evasive AI malware called ‘DeepLocker’ that can evade all traditional cyber-security protection and only strike when it is sure it has reached its intended target.

Microsoft To Launch App-Testing Sandbox ‘InPrivate Desktop’ Feature
Microsoft is to launch InPrivate Desktop for a future version of Windows 10, a throwaway sandbox that gives Admins a secure way to operate one-time tests of any untrusted apps / software.
Social Mapper Can Trace Your Face
Trustwave’s SpiderLabs has created a new penetration testing tool that uses facial recognition to trace your face through all your social media profiles, link your name to it, and identify which organisation you work for.
Google Location Tracking, Even When Switched Off?
An Associated Press report has accused Google of recording the locations of its users via their mobile devices, even when they have turned their “Location History” off.
Tech Tip – Set Preferred Folder View
If you’ve got a mix of display settings that suits your preferences and needs e.g. a certain thumbnail size, in Windows you can easily set this as the default for all folders of the same type.
Half of Us Will Activate Our New GDPR Rights Within A Year
The results of a new survey by analytics, business intelligence and data management firm SAS indicate that more than half of UK consumers look likely to exercise their new GDPR rights within the first year of GDPR’s introduction.
Google’s G Suite Will Warn Of State-Sponsored Attacks
Google has announced that it will be adding a feature to G Suite that will let businesses / organisations know if their users are being targeted by a government-backed cyber attack.
Forced Unbundling of Google Apps From Android
The European Commission anti-competition will force Google to change its OS by unbundling the Google Play store and native apps could help other phone makers, but could also make the new ‘P’ version of Android’s OS less interesting.
Amazon Pays Less Tax In UK While Profits Rise
The latest figures show that even though Amazon’s profits trebled last year, their UK tax bill has significantly reduced.
Apple Wins Trillion Dollar Company Race
The latest figures from Apple appear to show that it has beaten tech giants like Amazon in the race to become the world’s first trillion dollar company.
Tech Tip – Bypass Your Recycle Bin
In Windows, there is a fast and easy way to bypass your Recycle Bin and go straight to permanent delete with unwanted files / folders.
AI, ML & ‘Robot’ Business Spending Will Hit $232bn by 2025 Says Report
A recent KPMG reports claims that whereas business spending on artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning(ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) technologies is $12.4bn this year, it will increase to $232bn in 2025.
Departing CEOs Steal Intellectual Property Says Report
A new report by Code42 that surveyed 1,634 senior company employees in the UK, US and Germany, has found that most CEOs take what they regard to be their Intellectual property (IP) with them when they leave a company.
Adults To Get Same Online Protection As Kids Says Government
The UK government has announced that, in a move to reinforce digital safety for everyone across the country, it will be expanding the scope of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) to cover the adult population too.