Keep yourself updated with our latest news and insights.

Submit Your Dash-Cam Footage To Police
A new website has been launched by manufacturer Nextbase allowing drivers to upload their dash-cam footage of dangerous drivers they’ve filmed, thereby making it easy for drivers to submit their footage to the police.

Samsung Phones Sending Photos Without Permission
The Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9+ and Note 8 have been affected by a bug in the Samsung Messages app that sends out photos from the user’s gallery without their permission … to random contacts.

New, Improved Wi-Fi Security Standard WPA3 Starts Rollout
Non-profit, global trade group, the Wi-Fi Alliance, has announced the commencement of the rollout of the new Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) protocol WPA3 which should improve authentication and data protection.

Tech Giant GDPR Privacy Settings ‘Unethical’ Says Council
The ‘Deceived By Design’ report by the government-funded Norwegian Consumer Council has accused tech giants Microsoft, Facebook and Google of being unethical by leading users into selecting settings that do not benefit their privacy.

NHS Booking App and Doc Bot
In the NHS’s 70th year, and as part of the push for digitisation, the introduction of an appointment-booking app has been praised, while a GP chatbot has been given the thumbs-down by The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP).

Pegasus Opera 3 Training Offer
During June, we will be running a series of half day Pegasus Opera 3 training sessions.
Perrywell gain Cyber Essentials Certification
We recognise as an IT services provider that we must set an example and adopt best practices for all aspects of our own Cyber Security. It is also important that we can demonstrate this to our customers and suppliers.

News Pegasus Opera 3 GDPR Update
Pegasus Opera 3 version 2.50.50 is scheduled for release at the end of this month and will include an optional new utility to help customers process Subject Access Requests (SAR).

Pegasus Seminar 31st January 2018
Thank you to all of you that attended our recent Pegasus Seminar. A copy of the slides and the GDPR 12 Step Guide from the Information Commissioners Office are available to download here.